Gesprächs- und Methodenkompetenz (Verbund 4. FS)
Loosely translated as “Conversational and Methodological Competence”
Hochschule Fresenius, 4th Semester Students
Developing Managerial Competence is offered at Berkeley College during Fall and Spring Semester in New York City
Introduces the theoretical and practical aspects of managing customers, people and markets. Stresses a hands-on approach to improving a student’s ability to manage people. Course material focuses on promoting effective business practices and provides guidance for a variety of contemporary management challenges.
Students know the basics of public speaking. They are able to give speeches and can listen critically and sensitively. Further, they have the ability to effectively use diction, tone, volume, inflection, and projection in public discourse. In addition, students have a greater understanding of all communication formats including group discussions and interpretive reading. They have not only a basic comprehension of assigned readings, but also a critical understanding of persuasive communications. At the same time, the students have a clear understanding of specific persuasive tactics together with chief theories of argument and persuasion in order to respond to a very large number of persuasion situations, which also include writing and presenting assignments. Lastly, students have the ability to avoid the most common logical fallacies of persuasive communication, for example to convince colleagues or clients to consider ideas and suggestions.