
Entwicklungsorientiertes Management

Leadership is offered at Berkeley College

Examines the leadership variables that affect the achievement of organizational goals. Topics include theories of leadership, power, and influence as they affect organizational behavior; team building; motivation; group dynamics; organizational communication processes; and change management.


Students can explain the different purposes and types of strategic and operational plans

and show how strategic and operational planning is to be carried out and how it is linked together. In the area of corporate management/leadership, students are familiar with different leadership concepts and theories and know what influence they have on strategic and operational management decisions.

Through strategic and operative planning, students can develop task programs of companies

and shape the personal relationships of the job holders through management measures.

They have the ability to make planning and leadership decisions and coordinate these decisions.

Entwicklungsorientiertes Management:

Students can explain the different purposes and types of strategic and operational plans and show how strategic and operational plans are to be made and how they can be linked together. In the field of corporate management/leadership, students are familiar with different management concepts and theories and know how these influence strategic and operational management decisions.

Through strategic and operative planning, students can firstly design task programs of companies and finally shape the personal relationships of job holders through leadership measures.

They have the ability to make planning and leadership decisions and in particular to coordinate these decisions.