Course Objective:
Starting from the operational level, this seminar looks at modern management instruments that enable companies to strive for long-term success in terms of sustainability. The focus here is not just on defining sustainability in the narrow sense of the three-pillar model, but on an adaptive system that brings long-lasting success.
Students are able to define their own role as managers at different levels of action and to specify mechanisms to establish sustainability. This particularly applies to businesses in global markets.
Learning Outcome/Competencies:
• Ability to define the role of managers at different levels of action
• Methodological skills for designing and implementing sustainable developments
Course Content:
• History, definition, and forms of sustainability
• Factors for sustainable company success: Organization, personnel, management, business administration, vision, and strategy
• Organizational factors: Structures and procedures, activities, roles and positions, media, resources, and environments
• Approaches to managing environmental changes (trends and megatrends): Trend management, strategic foresight, scenario planning, simulations
• Organizational change, organizational learning, and learning organization
• Sustainable company and personnel management at different levels (individual, team, organization, markets and networks, functional systems, and society)
• Sustainability as a combination of economic, social, and ecological sustainability
Required previous knowledge/skills
Knowledge of the development of various markets
Examination/assessment criteria
Successful participation in the seminar is evidenced as follows (ungraded): None
Assessment: Seminar paper (100%)
Evaluation criteria: Theoretical knowledge and transfer
Recommended Reading
• Kotler, Philip / Kartajaya, Hermawan: Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital. Hoboken: Wiley, 2016.
• Mcintyre, Charles / Melewar, T. C. / Dennis, Charles: Multi-Channel Marketing, Branding and Retail Design: New Challenges and Opportunities. Bingley: Emerald, 2016.
• Palmatier, Robert / Stern, Louis: Marketing Channel Strategy. New York: Routledge, 2016.
• Porter, Michael E.: On Competition: Updated and Expanded Edition. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2008.
• Shimp, Terence A., / Andrews, J. Craig: Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. Mason: South Western Cengage Learning, 2013.