“Want to be a part of some cool research that will help scientists communicate their research better? Check out this survey! It will take 25 minutes or less and only requires that you are over 18 and fluent in English.”

Science Survey Research


For the past year, we’ve been in contact through the Falling Walls. At the most recent judging, I spoke to a few of you about some new research that I’ve been conducting, and I thought you might all like the opportunity to get involved.

I’ve been working on a research survey that will test the comprehension and enjoyment of different research summaries. Research papers are really dense and need to be summarized in order to help people know whether they should spend time reading the whole thing. They also show the key findings quickly.

The major summary methods right now are published abstracts, video abstracts, graphical abstracts, and plain language summaries. These summary methods are often pretty great, but the problem is that we don’t have any data on which summary method is comprehended and enjoyed the most. We also don’t know if undergrads prefer something different than the general public or active researchers, for example.

To get some data on these summaries, I’ve created a survey that will take 25 minutes or less to complete (most likely less). Now I just need people to take it!

I’m looking for 4 different groups of people:

  1. Scientists
  2. Undergrads
  3. Adults with science-related careers
  4. Adults without science careers

All participants should be fluent in English, science-interested, and over 18.

I would love it if you could take my survey and also share it with your friends and colleagues or on social media!

Thank you so much for helping me out! If you want to talk more about the research or get updates about the final results, I’m always available.

All the best,

Kate Bredbenner

Lab of Cellular Biophysics

Graduate Fellow Rockefeller University

University of Rochester 2013

B.S. Molecular Genetics

B.A. Philosophy